Sunday, March 14, 2010

Tell about your favorite Aunt...

My favorite Aunt is my Aunt Grace. I use to go to her house when I was little all the time. She lived right next door and still does...We always did fun things together like pick figs and make fig preserves and whatever other fruit/veggies she had going on at the time. We planted flowers together. I remember this one time we sewed this mattress cover that kept slipping off the mattress with all different kinds and colors of yarn from side to side to keep the cover on the mattress. We baked biscuits together my favorite part was sifting the flour. We painted this picket fence she had on the side of the house a hundred times or more. She always had snacks for me that she kept in this ceramic duck that sat on her counter by the back door. She always had plenty of little Debi's with the raisins on top and creme in the middle. We use to bathe and brush her dog she had named Prissie. She always fed Prissie boiled Chicken. We use to do everything together. We made crafts together...If I wasn't at home with Nana and Papa I was at Aunt Grace's.

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